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August 19, 2012

5 ways alleviate back to school anxiety

Back to school can be difficult for kids and parents. Here are five way to help alleviate back to school anxiety. 

1) Go shopping together - Even if you already have the items on hand, make a special trip to the store to pick up one or two things -- and make it a fun excursion for both of you.
2) Get the sleep schedule on track - Gradually get them back on schedule, moving up their bedtime by 15-30 minutes every few days. This way, when their first day of school rolls around, their internal body clocks will already be adjusted.
3) Create a special goodbye ritual - Whether it's a silly handshake or a simple call-and-response phrase like, "See ya later alligator/After a while crocodile," find something unique to do as you say your goodbyes.
4) Keep it short but sweet - Give them one last hug, take a deep breath, trust the teachers and walk away.
5) Celebrate at pick-up - At the end of the school day, make sure you are not late, tell them how proud you are and ask what's on the tap for tomorrow so you can keep the enthusiasm going.

Tips courtesy of Parenting Magazine on-line