Kaleidoscope Toys is Round Rock's Oldest Neighborhood Toy Store!

What’s New at Kaleidoscope Toys

October 23, 2011

What's the "Hot" Toy?

What’s the Hot Toy this Holiday Season?

During the holidays, “Hot Toy” lists are everywhere. You’ll find them on TV, radio, online, in newspapers and magazines; virtually anywhere you can imagine. But what really is a Hot Toy? Is it what TV or radio tells us it is? If we read it online or in the newspaper does that make it a Hot Toy? If a toy manufacturer tells us they have the Hot Toy for the season, is it really?

To answer these questions, we first need to realize that high priced advertising and marketing campaigns are fueling these messages. They are designed to create hype and excitement with the hopes of making their toy this year’s Hot Toy. But what about play value? What about creativity and imagination? Quality? Developmental appropriateness for your child?

We at Kaleidoscope Toys have a different definition for Hot Toy. For us, it’s the one YOUR child will be playing with long after the holiday is over. You see, we understand that a child’s job is to play. It’s how they learn. So to us, Hot Toys are toys that provide fun, open-ended, creative, rewarding play experiences. Toys that spark the imagination make kids think and well, get them involved in their play. In other words, the child does all the doing and thinking, not the toy.

So now you ask, does Kaleidoscope Toys have a Hot Toy list? Actually, we have two! Carefully put together with your child’s development in mind. You can find these two lists at www.kstoy.com. But keep in mind that even our lists are just a guideline, a place to start on your quest for that perfect toy for YOUR child. Take a look and let us know your thoughts.

As the holiday shopping season approaches, feel free to ask any of our staff members at Kaleidoscope Toys for a quick tour of what we think are Hot Toys for the holidays. Just cry out “Show us the Toy Fax!” Let us bring smiles to you & yours this holiday season.