Tips for easing the transition when older sibling go back to school.
Play school. Set up your own classroom and play school teaching simple lessons.
Explain the changes. Prepare your little ones with a “story” about how school days will be a little different — but still fun and happy — once the older ones head off.
Create a “secret” leave-behind. Make a special card together with them to remind your older child how much their younger brother or sister loves them, and tuck it into your older child’s lunch bag or backpack. It will actually be a special treat for your toddler as well!
Do something special on the first day. After your older child heads to school, try to do something special with the younger one. Try a café for lunch ,visit a museum or organize a playdate. Whatever you do, make it special and enjoy each other’s company.
Practice the art of distraction. If all else fails, try your best to divert their attention away from missing his or her older siblings. Bake cookies together, put together a puzzle, go for a walk. Or just snuggle and take a nap together.
It’s hard for young children to know what to expect when one sibling goes to school. It certainly is an adjustment, no doubt. But, like anything else the changes will morph into a decidedly familiar and comfortable new routine. Then before you know it, it’ll be time for summer vacation once again!
Some tips courtesy of Parenting Magazine on-line.